Monday, August 3, 2015

Walt Disney & Roy Disney -DOTM045

The celebrities quoted today were suggested by Craig of the DisAfterDark podcast. The DisAfterDark podcast takes place in the Mouses Head pub in the United Kingdom. They describe the show like this:  "Yet another Disney Podcast, probably containing childish grown up language for immature adults." I really enjoy the show. Check it out at

 Links to Craig and show he cohosts with be in the show notes for episode 45 of Daggers Of The Mind.






Walt Disney, Creator Of The Famous Mouse


“All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.”


No pain no gain. Quite the cliché in our world, but there is still a lot of truth in it. Walt Disney and his older brother Roy had quite a bit of adversity before becoming the overnight success we know of today. Several starts and stops were required to learn the lessons they needed to succeed.

Once Walt found out another company had the rights to a character they were cartooning and they not only lost the chance to the character property, but also all but one of the employees that were doing the actual animation.

I do believe that would qualify as a kick in the teeth for anybody.

Since Walt was the creative one, and not so good at business, his older brother Roy came in to run the business end, and that was when the famous mouse was born. Each had their strengths and weaknesses, and freeing up Walt to be creative and letting the introverted Roy handle the paperwork was a magical combination.

Yes, Mickey Mouse came in and saved the day. He was originally going to be called Mortimer, but fortunately that was changed. Good move.

When you get your official kick in the teeth in your endeavors, don’t quit, evaluate what went wrong and then team up with others who have talents you don’t possess. Recognition of other people’s talents and pulling together are major ingredients for getting things done. 

Check your ego at the door, make sure your teeth are tightening back up and get to work. It’s time to become that overnight success!

A quote from President Bill Clinton:

"If you live long enough, you'll make mistakes. But if you learn from them, you'll be a better person. It's how you handle adversity, not how it affects you. The main thing is never quit, never quit, never quit."


Walt Disney in the International Movie Database



Roy Disney, Uncle Of The Famous Mouse


“When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.”


Why does a person spend all their time trying to please others? I think it is probably because they really don’t have a clearly defined idea of their own values. If that is the case, there is a desperate attempt to find the values of other people that can be substituted for their own.

Your core values are what determines what direction you take on any issue. Even when you do research and learn things that fine tune your paths, there should be a basic and stable center that you rely on for your final decision on anything.

When you are unsure of where you really stand, trying to please others becomes paramount because it relieves you of the responsibility of stepping out and being committed to a specific path. Then, any failure will be their fault, not yours.

This is a very bad move because you end up being wishy washy. When person number 1 is near, you try to do what they would, and when person 2 is around, you may do the exact opposite. This can create conflict, and in extreme cases, serious harm to your reputation and your friendships.

This also leaves you open to the type of people that enjoy the power of manipulating others. You are just standing there waiting to be told what to do. Unscrupulous people are ready to oblige.

When a conversation starts with “I dare you to”, that is a clear case of being manipulated to do something you shouldn’t. Why would anyone ever bother to dare you to do what is right?

Know your own core values. What is right and what is wrong should be static, not flexible. Situational ethics can get you in just as much trouble as being led by whoever happens to be standing around.

As an example, I actually heard someone say the other day that it is OK to steal from Walmart, but not from a small store. It seems to me a little tilted. If it is wrong on a mom and pop store, it is also wrong to steal from Walmart. 

Lock them in, and be ready to take a stand when the rubber meets the road. When faced with the choice, the choice is simple. Definate, fixed core values make it easy to point in a decisive direction and go for it.

A final thought from Senator Cory Booker:

"If you look at great human civilizations, from the Roman Empire to the Soviet Union, you will see that most do not fail simply due to external threats but because of internal weakness, corruption, or a failure to manifest the values and ideals they espouse."



Would like to say a special thanks to Martin Lindeskog of Gothenburg, Sweden for tweeting and promoting the show on He describes himself at a Nuismatist, Renaissance Man & American in Spirit. He's a great guy, and I really appeciate the shout outs!!!



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