Wednesday, June 29, 2016

WV Flood Thunderstorm Recording 6-23-16- HNM003

Welcome to a special edition of the Holbrook New Media Audio Feed.

In the early morning hours of June 23rd, 2016, I recorded more than 15 minutes of a thunderstorm. Little did I know the devastation it would cause in our state of West Virginia. Lives have been changed forever with the loss of homes, businesses and with the more than 20 deaths attributed to this event.

While many types of disasters can affect your home and loved ones, there is none quite like a flood. A few days of torrential rain can cause a condition in a mountainous region like West Virginia that is rather unique. You can see water rising toward your home during the rain, but after it stops, and you think it's over, the water continues to rise from the runoff out of the mountains.

In slow motion, over a few hours as you watch in complete helplessness, the water rises, and rises. It finally enters your home and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Then it goes up and up, 2 feet, 4 feet, 6 feet, etc, and finally stops rising and then slowly subsides.

If your home is not washed away, in a flash flood area, then you are left with a massive cleanup in a very toxic enviroment. Waste treatment facilities get over run and chemical storage areas that flood turn the waters into a toxic soup that creates an incredible public health danger.

The most surprising thing I encountered helping with flood relief in the past was on the interior of a friend's house. There was around 10 inches of hard packed sand on the floors that had to be chipped away before any cleaning could take place.
Another issue is the fact that tetanus shots need to be administered to all who are helping with the cleanup. I heard today that the American Red Cross does not have the shots available here.

Please help the Red Cross, and local organizations and churches who are feeding the workers and helping those affected by the devastation of their homes, and from the many deaths attributed to the flood.

One final note. Please don't drive into the stricken areas just to take pictures. Clogging up the relief areas for your own satisfaction of seeing a spectacle creates even more problems. There are hundreds of images on Facebook already. If you aren't coming in to help, just don't come at all.

In the show notes for this episode at, you will find links for the West Virginia regional Red Cross site and a flood image album by Aimee Mullinex Ramsey.

Thank you so much for your help and prayers. Here is the recording of the thunderstorm. I just wish the circumstances could have been different.
Thanks for listening. you can find us at


Flood Image Album by Aimee Mullinex Ramsey

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Monday, June 27, 2016

Ep. 6 Geoff & Jeffrey Show, The Weekly Catch Up

Ep. 6 Geoff & Jeffrey Show, The Weekly Catch Up


Audio, Video, Content Creation, and that other stuff!


Topics Covered:


Trouble getting into Blab and recovering a no-show recording of a Blab.

Everything you say online is being monitored or recorded. Sage words from the the great prophet Thumper.

Geoff got a new portable green screen.

Jeffrey is trying out some smaller earbud style headphones.

Geoff's video magic, and Jeffrey ripping the audio out of Geoff's finished video for his podcast feed.

Podcast listening habits. Making silence lengths equal on an episode sounds wierd.

Podcast niche. Making a general audio feed instead of being so specific. Having fun instead of trying to make money on podcasting. Holbrook New Media Audio Feed at

William, Geoff's dog is snoring, and Lilly, Jeffrey's used kitty is scratching at the door.

Our sound treatment configurations.

Logitech C920 camera quirks.

Teleprompter Pro for iPad. It's in the iTunes store.

Adventures with glasses.

Star Trek Tech

Final Cut Pro and Premiere Pro video processing software.

Sony Sound Forge

Podcast Media Hosting at Liberated Syndication



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Friday, June 24, 2016

Ballad Of The Tempest

This is Jeffrey K. Holbrook.

Welcome to the the audio feed from

I recently started working on a few projects with with J.D. Sutter over at Porchlight Family Media. They have a show called Verses in Vox. They are taking classic works of poetry, and have them performed by a voice actor, then original music is composed, and original photography and artwork is made.

When all is produced and made ready by the 5 or 6 people involved, it is released. You really need to go to to listen to the various amazing productions.

Before getting involved with these projects, I hadn't really gotten much into classic poetry, but I have really been finding a new dimension to these treasures.
Today, with permission, I am presenting the first production I was involved in, in its entirety.

It is called Ballad Of The Tempest by James Thomas Fields.


Remember, go to to listen and get subscription options for this amazing podcast.

You can also subscribe to the Holbrook New Media Audio Feed and find everything else we do at

Don't just blindly rush through your day.....


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Monday, June 20, 2016

Ep 5 Geoff & Jeffrey Show

Geoff & Jeffrey Episode #5

Audio, Video, Content Creation, and that other stuff.


Discussion on Episode #5


Cleaning your webcam for the best results

Geoff prefers using the I-Mac instead of the Mac Book Pro for doing the show.

Geoff has a chapter recorded for Librivox, where you can get free audio books.

The difficulty of punching in recording mistakes instead of re-recording.

Gear Acquisition Syndrome or G.A.S.

Having a mic with no idea what you want your show will be about.

Sound treatment installation follies.

Distance from the mic in different applications.

Bill DeWeese voice over guy.

Comparing Bill DeWees' professional Whisper Room to Jeff's homemade booth.

Each of our recording processes.

Verses In Vox.

Zoom H5 recorder. Excellent review from Golden Spiral Media

Pluraleyes software.

Comparing the difficulty and expense of audio versus video.

Ray Ortega video dude extraordinaire.

Record in a sound treated space with a reasonable mic.

Cable TV versus internet streaming.

Cell Phone useage at home and work.


Everything Geoff Blanchard does can be found at

Jeffrey K. Holbrook is at


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Monday, June 13, 2016

Ep #3 Geoff & Jeffrey Show

Geoff & Jeffrey Episode #3

Two guys talking Audio, Video, Content Creation and those other things.


Windows 10 backup at an inconvenient time.

Vacation/Holiday week, testing that retirement feeling.

Election literature follies.

Jeffrey's friend Marissa became a U.S. citizen along with 58 others.

Geoff emigrated to Australia as a child with his parents.

Jeffrey's first audio book is finished and available now for sale. The Process is discussed.

Geoff's dog William is snoring, while Jeffrey's used kitty is trying to get in the door.

Jeffrey is working with Verses In Vox again. The workflow is detailed.

Mic technique and positioning.

Sound treatment for our recording spaces.

Geoff's video creation of jets piling in behind each other.

Acting classes as training for voice over work.

Mike Lenz Voice Over Podcast.

The Audiobook Creation Exchange is not allowed in Australia.

Singing and Public speaking is good training for voice over.

No degree required for voice over, how good it is rules.

The show must go on! Preparation and presentation is key.

National Association Of Broadcasters

Picks Of The Week.

Tony and Chelsie Northrop video channel.

Getting a good used Kitty or Doggie at the local shelter.


Geoff Blanchard can be found at

Jeffrey K. Holbrook's site:

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Friday, June 10, 2016

Night Sounds- Actually Listening to Nature

This is Jeffrey K. Holbrook

Welcome to the Holbrook New Media Audio Feed

Today's quote is from Albert Einstein

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."

When was the last time you listened to nature? Most of are stopped in our tracks when we see a glorious sunset, a rainbow or even a tornado or hurricane. When we are distracted by our sense of sight, the sound track of nature is only an accompaniment. Today, I plan to give you some nature to actually LISTEN to.

What you are hearing in the back ground is a recording I got by placing my Zoom H2N digital audio recorder on a guardrail on a road near my home. It is taking a 360 degree image of the area. The night sounds are amazing. Take the time to really listen and sense what is actually going on.

Usually we hear night sounds as a single massive sound that is just in the background. There are many components and patterns to these sounds, and closing your eyes and really listening for a while can be very rewarding.

I will warn you, that two cars pass, one in each direction, and while it seems it is going to get too loud, I have placed a limiter on them to keep it from getting overwhelming. Still, if you are listening in headphones, it can be pretty intimidating. See if you are tough enough to hang in there as you hear the cars getting closer and louder, and then as they subside.

Please, please take the time to listen, really listen to nature, and all the world around you.

The Expected Final Quote:

"One learns more from listening than speaking. And both the wind and the people who continue to live close to nature still have much to tell us which we cannot hear within university walls."

Thor Heyerdahl

I'll stop talking now and give you the opportunity to hear the night sounds. Some will listen for a moment or two and won't see the use of this exercise. Many just can't still their mind long enough to do something that doesn't have a quick return benefit they can see up front.

There there are others however, that are capable of opening up their minds to new things, exploring if you will, and they are the ones who can discover great riches of a kind most of the world will never see. Enjoy the serenade!


Thank you so much for listening. The links for a free subscription, feedback, and everything else we do is at

If you are shopping at Amazon, type in to get there. We will get a referral fee that lets you help the show without costing anything extra.

Don't just blindly rush through your day....


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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Ep. 2 of The Geoff & Jeffrey Show

The Geoff & Jeffrey Show, Episode #2

Two guys who talk Audio, Video, Content Creation, and those other things.

Today's Topics:

Audio Book trials and tribulations

National Associate of Broadcasters

Amazing Advances in Technology
PTZ- (Pan Tilt Zoom) Cameras
Logitech C920 Webcams
NDI- Network Device Interface

Skype and other types of online show recording

One of Geoff's earliest recordings. Telling the story of the Three Little Pigs. Super Cute!

The Green Man with the shirt on!

ABBA enunciation

The Opera is the place to go!

Blab Technical Difficulties and describing frozen expressions you can't see in Audio

YouTube Live Streaming

Wirecast Green Screen Magic

The ease of live streaming on

Commodore 64 programming, BBS System, video titling, robot control, ham radio packet,
and MIDI control of 6 synthesizers

CB & Ham Radio


Find all things Geoff at

Everything Jeffrey is doing can be found at

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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Episode 1- Geoff & Jeffrey - The Weekly Catch Up

This is Jeffrey K. Holbrook.
Welcome to the the audio feed from

Today, Geoff & Jeffrey; The Weekly Catch Up. It's a video show I do with Geoff Blanchard of Australia on We hope you enjoy the audio version. If you want to see what we look like, I will embed the video for this episode at

Geoff is into video, Jeffrey is into audio, and both enjoy the tech of content creation. They are talking about their latest projects, and on this show, topics such as:

Verses in Vox episode Jeffrey is in.

-Finding people you lost on the Internet
-Weird Old Sayings
-Presidential Candidates
-Being old enough to not care what others think of you

Geoff Blanchard is from Australia, and can be found at

Jeffrey K. Holbrook is from the U. S. and his web site is


Thank you so much for listening. Links for a free subscription, feedback, and everything else we do is at

You can find all things Geoff Blanchard at

Don't just blindly rush through your day.....


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