Monday, May 25, 2015

Rob Walch & Rod Stewart -DOTM035

Rob Walch, Vice President of Podcaster Relations at Liberated Syndication. More commonly known as Libsyn. This quote came from episode 45 of The Feed, the official Libsyn podcast. If you want to hear it, it happened at the 25 minute mark in the show.


“Never blame on malice that which can easily be explained by incompetence.”


Have you ever noticed how quickly we jump to the conclusion that someone has it out for us when things don’t go our way? On the individual level, that sometimes is the case, although it is less often than we ourselves think it is. 

When we go there, we are thinking that the other person spends the same amount of time thinking about us and our needs as we do. But is this even possible? Turn it around and ask yourself. Is there another person in your world that you spent more time thinking about today? Someone whose welfare was more strongly in your mind than your own?

If you don’t include your own children, spouse and possibly other family members and close friends, how much time do you spend assuring the welfare of acquaintances and strangers? When faced specifically with a need, many of us will do what we can to help others, but more often, we in ignorance of their needs and agenda run rough shod right over them without realizing it. You just don’t have the time to take care of everyone.

Let’s get back to the original concept. If you don’t have enough time on a given day to be sensitive enough to consider every need that comes by you, what makes you think your personal pet peeves can be any more important to anyone else? They are doing exactly the same thing you are doing, taking care of their own concerns since you didn’t have the time to cover it for them.

So it follows that when someone rains on your parade in passing as they rush by, there is a very, very small chance that they were thinking of you at all, much less gunning for you to ruin your life. It is incredibly selfish of us to even think that others have the time to think of us as much as we think of our own problems.

Let’s take this one home. The vast majority of the time, when others offend you or step on you, they weren’t thinking of you AT ALL, much less TRYING to hurt you. They, like you, simply do not have the competence to think clearly about the needs of everyone they encounter. This is the basic human condition in a nutshell.

The final dimension is when you are dealing with large entities such as businesses, government and the like. They up front lack any human compassion. To keep track of the actual people they deal with, they assign them numbers. Being assigned a number is the first sign that you will not be treated with any consideration. The phrase, “It’s just business.” comes to mind. That is always how messing up human lives is explained.

Government is even worse in this regard. In Episode 24 of Daggers Of The Mind, I discuss the federal government’s betrayal of our veterans by the VA. Every large scale thing our inhuman government tries to do, people fall through the cracks, sometimes to their deaths. 


This would be a good time for a movie quote: In first of the Star Wars movies, Princess Leia tells Governor Tarkin:

“The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.”


Unfortunately this is totally true in the real world. The more control you attempt to exert, the less over all control you have. Since government is not likely to find the right balance any time in our lifetimes, incompetence will rule. They simply are not thinking of our individual needs at all. Only a large group of numbers that represent a huge group of people that are really unknown to the bureaucracy.

The bottom line is this: Most of the time, malice is not involved when something is done to you. Simple incompetence is the easy explanation because individuals, businesses and governments are just as selfish as we are.


Rob Walch on Google Plus


Rob Walch on Twitter



Rod Stewart, Legendary Rocker and Scale Model Train Enthusiast


“Every three years, Model Railroader puts me on their cover, which is better than Rolling Stone.”


It is really surprising when you find out some celebrity has a talent or habit that has absolutely nothing to do with the main thing they are known for. In this case, Mr. Stewart, known for being a music superstar, is being featured on the cover of Model Railroader. I checked into it and found that he has been a scale model railroad enthusiast since childhood.

Many celebrities have unrelated talents and interests. Country star Kenny Rogers does amazing photography. Actor George Montgomery created many famous detailed bronze sculptures. Actor Dudley Moore was a renowned concert pianist. Links to these gentlemen will be included in the show notes.

Now, take a look around you. Those you know only from work, school, or church are probably hiding some really wonderful talents that you would never dream of. With my friends, I have discovered writers, singers, artists, musicians, boxers, and martial artists. Also, talented gardeners, carpenters, engineers, mechanics and myriad of other talents that are hidden from view most of the time as they go about their normal vocations.

Each person you know is actually more than you really know. You probably know barely half of what they are capable of. While some choose to make a living at their greatest talents, many choose to keep a simple job that pays the bills while using their greatest assets in their spare time doing what they love with no interference from an employer.

Just because you don’t know what their talents are, don’t write anyone off or diminish their worth as a person. There have been times when I have seen a person’s attitude take a complete turn around when it is discovered that another person has some admirable talent.

The key here is this: don’t wait until you randomly find a particular talent in someone, always assume that each person you find has just such a talent. People are like onions, they have many layers. You will never see them all, but there is some really cool stuff in there.

Have basic respect for every human you meet. Believe me, there is more value there than you will ever know.


Kenny Rogers Photography


George Montgomery Sculptures


Dudley Moore Bio



Rod Stewart Main Site


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Monday, May 18, 2015

Calvin Coolidge & Isaac Asimov -DOTM034

Calvin Coolidge, President Of The United States


“I have never been hurt by what I have not said.”


Most people hope that they have the right words to say at the right time, but have you ever contemplated the value of silence? Silence is probably the most underused form of speech. We somehow think we can make things better if we explain something more. This is clearly not always the case.

It is possible to lose a sale, or a customer altogether if you keep on talking after the deal has been accepted. You can cause additional grief at a funeral by talking too much when you are nervously trying to comfort someone. It’s even possible to cause wars when somebody like a President talks too much. President Coolidge had so little to say, his nickname was “Silent Cal”. I think we can learn a little from him on this point.

In Episode 10 of Daggers Of The Mind, I told of another time when silence was just what was needed.

Here is an excerpt:

When my father-in-law was ill and coming to the end of his life, he had an old friend who was still mobile, and would come to visit him about once a week. The delight of both men to see each other was quite evident, but after the initial greetings and small talk, they would lapse into silence. For more than an hour sometimes, there would be no words spoken at all, and they would just sit there smiling and looking around. Finally, the visitor would stand and take his leave, my father-in-law thanking him profusely for visiting and saying how much he enjoyed the talk.

If either of them had continued to talk, it would have ruined the visit. Their personalities and relationship made it the perfect solution.

This next quote illustrates another time when you could get into trouble by talking.


“How many people here have telekenetic powers? Raise my hand.”

Emo Philips


According to The Free Dictionary .com, Telekinesis is “The supposed inducement of movement of an object by mental or spiritual power.”

Bragging or telling others you can do things you aren’t able to do for extra attention or just to belong to a certain group can get you into a lot of trouble when you are asked to demonstrate your ability in the real world. Embarrassing and not very funny. It’s much better to keep your mouth shut.

I will be the first to admit that when I get excited about a subject, I can really get verbal. I try to school myself to check the listener’s expression to see if they really want to hear what I have to say, or if they would rather get back to what they were doing before I opened my mouth and broke the silence.

People who spend a lot of time with people who talk too much all the time totally understand the meaning of “Silence is golden.”

I think if we learn to be silent more often, we can all have a golden life.


Calvin Coolidge on Wikipedia


Calvin Coolidge at




Isaac Asimov, Scientist and Prolific Writer


“The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...' “


As we go through the day to day routines of our lives, it is easy to get numb to pretty much everything. Our minds can become blunt objects. What we are lacking at this point is anticipation and curiosity about the world around us.

When we lose that sense of wonder, and the desire to learn about things that actually intrigue us, we are throwing away our main source of new knowledge and problem solving skills, that is, our curiosity.

Curiosity is something that comes naturally to babies and children. There are many things they don’t understand around them and there is a thirst simply to KNOW. Parents who find it too much trouble when their child asks questions is stifling their impulse to learn. 


Eleanor Roosevelt said,

“I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity.”


In many adults, the destruction of this great resource is complete. Like zombies, many go through their routines with nothing more than a knowledge of the routine, thinking that some day they will retire and life will be somehow better.

Lately there have been a lot of ads regarding mind exercises to give people protection against developing dementia. Looking online, there are a bunch of websites that are supposed to keep you sharp as you age. I can’t really make any claims about this, but it certainly can’t hurt to exercise you mind. I really think, however that there is plenty to keep your mind occupied without having to pay someone to customize a program to keep your mental cylinders firing.

Simply reading a book instead of watching TV can stimulate the creative part of your brain as you imagine the scenes that are being described to you. Playing chess, crossword and other types of puzzles, and many other things that cause you to think about a solution, or be simply curious can give your brain a workout and keep sharp focus.

If you make this type of brain stimulation part of your everyday routine, it will become second nature, a habit that can only be good for you to practice. We need our brains. It’s not likely we will have the chance to obtain a spare anytime soon. Take really good care of the one you have. Oh yeah, if someone says, “That’s funny”, pay attention and learn something.

On the Science Daily website, there is an article that explores how curiosity can enhance the learning experience. Check it out! The link is included in the show notes for Episode 34 at


Science Daily Article


Isaac Asimov on Wikipedia


Asimov Book Titles




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Monday, May 11, 2015

Cesar Chavez & Giada De Laurentiis -DOTM033

Cesar Chavez, Co-founder of The National Farm Workers Association


“Preservation of one's own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures.”


Let’s do the definition of disrespect. This time from the Urban Dictionary: a user called “this means“ defined it as: “the act of putting someone down, trying to make them feel low, treating someone in a horrible manner, showing a person they mean less than nothing to you, a hurtful act that is both rude and ignorant towards another person’s feelings.”

Nicely done I think. That sums it up well. 

Most of us belong to multiple cultures. Race, gender, religion, and myriad of other things that we each identify with makes us who believe we are. Embracing each of these makes us the complete person have become. If we are comfortable with who we are, there is no need to put someone else down who is different in their thinking and experiences.

But are you truly comfortable with who you are? Feeling the need to put others down could be an indication that you really aren’t happy or comfortable with your own identity.

Most of us can look back in history and find incidents that involve injustices perpetrated by by one cultural group on our own. This begs the question of what we personally decide to do with this information.

One of my close friend is Scottish in ancestry, while mine is mostly English. There have been times in history when the English really lowered the boom and controlled the Scots. There are many stories of torture and other acts of brutality perpetrated on them in order to maintain that control with terror.

In Europe there were centuries of conflict between Catholic and Protestant monarchs who actively persecuted each other with completely innocent people being tortured and abused on both sides, just because they had a different belief.

With these two examples is it right for my Scottish friend to hate me, or for me to hate every Catholic I see? Of course not. There is one overriding reason for me to accept and be accepted by these two groups.

I didn’t do anything of this sort to my Scottish friend, and the Catholics have never done anything to me personally. Each of us are individuals who rise and fall on our own acts, not on those of our forebears. 

When we meet others, we should completely ignore what their grandfather may have done, and let them show who they are, and what they have become on their watch. We can only pay for our own sins, and can only succeed by the effort we have each put forth to make our own lives and those around us better. 

There are so many wonderful people we are missing the opportunity to be friends with because of the limitations we place on those with whom we will associate. Please don’t make a snap judgments based on stereotypes. It all comes down to this: Don’t be a hater. Just don’t do it.


Cesar Chavez in Wikipedia


Cesar Chavez Foundation


United Farm Workers



Giada De Laurentiis, Celebrity Chef


“Pasta doesn’t make you fat. How much pasta you eat makes you fat.”


Volume. In this application, says, a mass or quantity, especially a large quantity, of something.

Most things that are good in moderation are not so good when you go extreme with the volume. Music with too much volume can damage your eardrums, and too much of a good food can make you fat, in this case, pasta.

For the record, pasta rocks. My wife, Dee is quite the cook, and she does Italian well. Her simple spaghetti with her home made sauce is totally excellent, and when she ups the ante with chicken parmesan, it is simply out of this world. I really do battle with volume when something that good to eat is available. As a result, I am not as svelte as I used to be.

The concept is self control. According to Joyce Meyer,

“I have learned that I really do have discipline, self-control, and patience. But they were given to me as a seed, and it's up to me to choose to develop them.”

Learning to control your appetite for food, drink and other things is pretty hard to do if you really weren’t taught to do so. A lack of discipline is this area moves a little closer to the beasts, who act on instinct and impulse, and lack the human level of reason and self control. That is the major dividing line between a savage and a civilized human being. 

Taking this a step further, there are many humans who have completely thrown off the shackles of self control, and have become anti social, even psychopathic. This type of human animal thinks of themselves first and foremost, with no room to spare a thought for anyone else. If they want something, obtaining it is the number one priority, and anyone who gets in the way is likely to get hurt.

A quote from Joseph P. Bradley:

“Brutes are governed by their appetites and impulses. Savages are but little removed in this respect from brutes. Brutish men and coarse natures are mostly led by their impulses, appetites and passions. The true nobility of our nature is evinced by self-control, which restrains, governs and subdues the impulses, appetites, passions and desires.”

I don’t know of many people who would like to be known as a brute. Sure, many are macho and ACT like they don’t care what others think, but the very act of being macho shows that a person is attempting to hide from others what they know to be true about themselves. They feel inadequate, and are desperately trying to keep others from finding out. 

Macho persons are not dangerous like the psychopath, but are merely clumsy at being brutes and acting like they don’t care. If you can, help the macho person gain confidence, and avoid the true brutes altogether. Your life may depend on it.


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Monday, May 4, 2015

Faith Hill & Jennifer Lopez -DOTM032

This first quote was contributed by my wife, Dee Holbrook.


Faith Hill, Country Music Superstar


“I don't know why 'happy' can't be a story.”


Most checkout lines in your local stores have them. People subscribe to get them, and there are entire TV shows dedicated to propagating them. Enough people want to hear them that millions are made. All those who want a piece of the business have to do, is publish bold faced lies. 

I just noticed this week that for probably the 20th time, that Faith Hill and Tim McGraw are fighting and getting a divorce. It’s going to get ugly. The expressions on their faces tell the whole story. You believe this….. Right?

Ms Hill spoke the words in our first quote when asked in an interview about their marital troubles. Since they weren’t having any, she wondered why the only thing that was newsworthy had to be bad.

That is a good question. How is it possible that so much money and time could be wasted on information that is clearly known to be completely false? The people who buy tabloid magazines know what they are getting. What is the attraction?

 I really think it is because many people want others who have a better life than they do to fail miserably. That way they can feel better about themselves without having to do anything to improve their own lives.

We lose so much by hoping for the failure of famous people instead of finding out what is actually working for them, and trying to learn from it and apply it to our own lives. The old fashioned hero doesn’t exist anymore. Anyone who seems to be doing great is somehow a threat instead of an example.

Sure, there are lot of famous people who fail, but there are a lot of us mere mortals who fail as well. It’s just a lot more public with celebrities. 


Two Quotes from Actor Kevin Bacon


“I want to see the numbers that prove that show-business marriages are any less successful than other marriages. It's just very public when they fail.”

“Part of being a man is learning to take responsibility for your successes and for your failures. You can't go blaming others or being jealous. Seeing somebody else's success as your failure is a cancerous way to live.” has the secondary definition of cancer as “any evil condition or thing that spreads destructively; blight.”


Things would be so much better if we could get rid of the blight of lies that spreads just like cancer. Obviously they have freedom of speech to publish any lie they want to. What makes it go so well for them is the fact that people are willing to shell out large sums of money to get this kind of trash.

Be constructive instead of destructive. Your life and those around you can be so much better if you will only make it so. Those who spend their time wanting others to fail as a substitute for their own failures aren’t going anywhere. Let ‘happy’ be your life story.


Faith Hill Official Site

Faith Hill on Twitter

Faith Hill on Wikipedia





Jennifer Lopez, Actress and Singer


“My mom always told me that if you work hard, you can achieve anything. And it's true. It's one of the truest things ever.”


It’s easy to look at famous people and say that if someone gave you a chance you could be great too. I’ve heard this a lot. My response is that if they did what they did, they would have what they’ve got.

It’s like seeing a house that a skilled builder made, and somehow expecting that doing half the work the builder did would achieve the same result. Sorry, but that’s not going to happen. We all would love to get something for nothing. It is just basic human nature to want things to be easy instead of difficult. We make our mistake when we assume the fame achieved by others was a lot easier than reality.

We didn’t see all the work it takes to be an overnight success. Sometimes it takes decades of grueling labor to be suddenly discovered and elevated to stardom. The key to discovery is very simple. Just don’t quit.


Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said,

“Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.”


Contrary to the lazy tendencies of the average human being, we have to keep plugging away at it until we achieve the success we desire, or die trying. If you aren’t dead yet, you should still be going for it.

Now working hard doesn’t mean that you work dumb. Do your homework and research what you are endeavoring to accomplish, set your goals and launch. You are really much better than you think you are. Set aside your fear and take that first step, then the next step and then the next. Concentrate on each step in turn, and you will look back a year from now and be surprised at how far you’ve come.

If you think, “I can’t do that!” Realize this is only something you haven’t accomplished YET. Study and learn about the steps to reach your goal, learn them, start taking them and don’t stop. Thinking you can is not magic, but it is important because if you don’t think you can, you will never even try. Your failure is then assured.


A quote by Thomas Edison

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”


It’s time to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. Work hard and work smart. Never give up your dream.


Jennifer Lopez Official Site

Jennifer Lopez on Wikipedia

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