Monday, August 29, 2016

Term Limits For Everyone! -Geoff & Jeffrey #15

Greetings! Welcome to the Holbrook New Media Audio Feed. We do audio, video, content creation, and that other stuff.

Today on Episode #15 The Geoff & Jeffrey show, here are some of the things we are talking about:

Blab will let you schedule two Blabs with identical names by assigning a unique number to each.

Geoff added some more bling to the screen on the video version of the show.

Jeffrey got a new coffee cup sporting the various expressions of Darth Vader. He is drinking Chai tea. Unlike most Americans, Jeffrey believes all tea should be hot.

Geoff listens to podcasting while walking to see his mother, while Jeffrey listens while driving to and from work.

A long commute gives you time to think and get mentally prepared for your day.

You are more apt to be late for work if you live closely than if you have a long commute.

Jeffrey let Geoff hear a demo he made for episode #11 that has been submitted to for The Feed podcast. It is the episode with Ms. Ileane Smith as a guest.

Some in the U.S. say that Skype has been more reliable lately, but Geoff says it has been woeful lately for him.

Some drones have a 3x zoom lens on them now. One even has a 16x zoom. Some can be controlled by 4G, so can be controlled in other states.

Example of a drone with a camera


The only people who are restricted by new laws are those who abide by the laws anyway.

Geoff thinks that a good behavior early release is crazy since we are all expected to be on good behavior anyway.

Government action usually involves the making or saving of money.

Jeffrey's wedding anniversary is on Mickey Mouse's birthday, Nov. 18th.

A discussion of the political systems of both Australia and the U.S.

Geoff has been watching YouTube videos of abandoned places.

Gambling VS the stock market.

If you would like to receive the show notes in your email with links for things mentioned in episodes, go to On the right side of the page there is a place to subscribe to the blog.

We hope you enjoy the show!

Geoff Blanchard's Web Site:

All Things Jeffrey K. Holbrook is at:

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Monday, August 22, 2016

The "Indian Telemarketers" Don't Want To Talk - Geoff & Jeffrey #14

Greetings! Welcome to the Holbrook New Media Audio Feed. We do audio, video, content creation, and that other stuff.

On episode 14 of The Geoff & Jeffrey Show, here are some of the things we are talking about:
Jeffrey is doing the show from his daughter's apartment in Indiana. A discussion of his mobile gear.

Jeffrey has found that the domain names he let expire at the last show are unwilling to go quietly.

Sometimes you can get a better deal on something if you go away and check back later.

Geoff gets a call from the "Indian Telemarketers" but they don't want to talk.

Jeffrey laughs out loud at Geoff's video version of the show.

Windows 10 boots up a lot quicker than both of our original Windows 7 computers.

Windows 8 was really bad, in that it gave you touch screen features to use even when you didn't have a touch screen.

Audio and video editing are really better suited for a mouse and keyboard than on a touch screen.

Having a second monitor can increase your productivity.

Geoff shows his Logitech wireless keyboard, that is actually solar so it doesn't need to keep changing batteries. The coolness of solar.

Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard K750

Geoff uses his Mac computer for personal things and a PC for all work related activity.

Funny things seen at Walmart, including people wearing pajama pants.

Discussing the casual manner of dress adopted by today's society.

Both "Fannie" and "Randy" mean different things in Australia and the U.S.

Quick access to relevant info online is getting more amazing all the time.

This also means that ads are much more targeted than they used to be.

Doing the show from an untreated room like Jeffrey is doing illustrates the value of using a dynamic mic instead of a condenser to control unwanted noise and echo.
If you would like to receive the show notes in your email with links for things mentioned in episodes, go to On the right side of the page there is a place to subscribe to the blog.

We hope you enjoy the show!

Geoff Blanchard's Web Site:
All Things Jeffrey K. Holbrook:


A link you click here could be an affiliate link. Affiliate links cost you nothing extra, but help support The Geoff & Jeffrey Show!

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Monday, August 15, 2016

Dogs Don't Like That New Car Smell -Geoff & Jeffrey #13

Greetings! Welcome to the Holbrook New Media Audio Feed. We do audio, video, content creation, and that other stuff.

Today on episode 13 of The Geoff & Jeffrey show, here are some of the things we are talking about:

Geoff is feeling somewhat better from last week and has hidden his microphone.

Trying to keep from being overwhelmed by social media. Many lack common courtesy.

Life is so hectic because people make it that way themselves. The urgency of phone messaging in many people's lives.

Families don't talk much since phones have so much interaction and info available.

So much is available that it is hard to find exactly what you are looking for.

Google photos have so many photos it would take 427 years to quickly flick through all the images.

Geoff thought the Union Contract voice over that Jeffrey let him hear last week was done well.

Jeffrey has two domain names, dot coms, that he has allowed to expire today.

A discussion of domains and the problem with sites that have owners who have identical names.

The importance of having an identifying photo so people know it is you when they find all those accounts with the same name.

It is possible to have an online persona that keeps your true identity hidden.

Geoff says dogs and cameras don't mix.

Geoff bought a new Mitsubishi Montero. Dogs don't like that new car smell.

Tariff protections of local economies raise prices for the locals.


If you would like to receive the show notes in your email with links for things mentioned in episodes, go to On the right side of the page there is a place to subscribe to the blog.

We hope you enjoy the show!

Geoff Blanchard's Web Site:
All Things Jeffrey K. Holbrook is at:

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Monday, August 8, 2016

A Moratorium on "Clant Plosings" -Geoff & Jeffrey #12

Greetings! Welcome to the Holbrook New Media Audio Feed.

We do audio, video, content creation, and that other stuff.


Today on Episode 12 of The Geoff & Jeffrey show, here are some of the things we are talking about:

Geoff faked out Jeffrey with a plane crash photo from Universal Studios War of the Worlds exhibit.

A comparison of celsius in Australia and fahrenheit in the U.S..

Geoff's using a more simple setup, and Jeffrey is sporting some new sound treatment.

Jeffrey's older brother loves the show and says he likes it better than Jeffrey's earlier podcasting efforts.

Younger people seem to interpret podcasting as the free exchange of ideas in conversation, not a scripted thing like public radio.

Geoff likes the No Agenda show with John C. Dvorak and Adam Curry.

High megapixel cameras are really getting up there. The differences in the old film method of photography and the new methods of digital.

Jeffrey's first 35mm film camera was a used Yashica TL Super. He got it to learn about how aperatures and shutter speeds interacted.

The balance between good composition and just blazing away taking hundreds of images.

Jeffrey got a taste of the eLearning module work that Geoff usually does by doing a voice over of the announcement of the highlights of the new union contract for the American Postal Workers Union.

Geoff says that it is much easier to do voice over work that you are personally invested in, as opposed to general voice over work.

Different audio takes seem to have a slightly different sound if you don't do them in one sitting.

Most union websites have only text and very few do audio.

No matter what you do, some people will like it, and some will not.

Adobe Captivate has a good text to speech feature.

Another Verses In Vox episode was released that Jeffrey did the voice over for. "The Children's Hour" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

We explore some features on Blab that Geoff discovered.

Comparing Geoff getting into Blab easier directly with a webcam and mic as opposed to using Wirecast.

Geoff's Rode NTG-2 shotgun mic.

Track pads, vs trackball mouse, vs conventional mouse.

Looking around our studios on the video.


If you would like to receive the show notes in your email with links for things mentioned in episodes, go to On the right side of the page there is a place to subscribe to the blog.

We hope you enjoy the show!


Geoff Blanchard's Web Site:
All Things Jeffrey K. Holbrook is at:

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Monday, August 1, 2016

Ms Ileane Is A Big Time Smarty Pants! -GJ11

Greetings! Welcome to the Holbrook New Media Audio Feed.

We do audio, video, content creation, and that other stuff. We had a special guest today on Episode 11 of The Geoff & Jeffrey show, Ms. Ileane Smith. She is a social media guru extraordinaire, and a good friend of Jeffrey's.

Here are some of the things we are talking about:

Blab and Wirecast don't always play well together.

Huge flooding in West Virginia with massive property damage and more than 20 killed. Flood Image Album by Aimee Mullinex Ramsey

Jeffrey's friends at the Cinema Toast Crunch Podcast had knee high water in their podcasting space.

Something eerie... Jeffrey actually recorded over 15 minutes of the storm that flooded everyone out. Don't forget the victims once the news coverage subsides.

Why do people continue to live in chronic disaster areas? Geoff says there isn't much potential for natural disasters in Melbourne, Australia.

Jeffrey recounts one of the most tragic deaths.

History records show us that many people have lived with much more tragedy than we face.

Bill Dewees charges $20 per finished minute on eLearning modules. Geoff likes how Bill covers both the voicing and the business side of voice over.

Ms. Ileane tells it like it is. She is big time smarty pants. :

She has been recording her podcast on Blab, but may be switching to Huzza. It is integrated with Patreon.

The time to service social media is at a premium for most of us that work full time.

Not sure of the future of Blab, and Ileane says you always have to have a plan "B".

Here is were to find all of Ms. Ileane's tutorials for various social media platforms.

Online streaming is discussed by Geoff and Ileane while Jeffrey mainly listens since he really doesn't know much about it. hehehe!

Geoff loves Larry Becker's short videos with cool video tips. Ms. Ileane is going to check it out.

Scott Kelby is a fancy photography and Adobe Photoshop guru guy. Jeffrey participated in a Kelby Photowalk in Charleston, West Virginia.

Geoff made a video with Kolin the Koala.

The old TWAIN scanning acronym stands for Technology Without An Important Name.

Using old computers for specialty uses that have been phased out in newer incarnations of software.

Some people come to Blab to learn English.

Ileane's Blog:
Philadelphia podcasters meetup:

Geoff's mother's birthday is on July 4th.

We hope you enjoy the show!

If you would like to receive the show notes in your email with links for things mentioned in episodes, go to On the right side of the page there is a place to subscribe to the blog.

Geoff Blanchard is at

Jeffrey K. Holbrook's site is at

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